About Us

Monogram is a community

The Monogram Network consists of UK based researchers with an active interest in small grain cereal and grass (including the C4 energy grasses) research. Commercial scientists and plant breeders are active members and provide the link between Monogram science and commercial exploitation. Monogram includes both basic and more applied research and its members span disciplines including plant genetics, physiology, pathology, breeding, and bioinformatics. We also have extensive expertise in outreach activities and links with industry.


Coordinated Research

Monogram aims to promote coordination and information flow amongst the community and ensure its visibility at the national and international level, thereby strengthening UK efforts in these species.


Community integration

Monogram is the focal point for integration of the UK grass and cereals community and represents it at the UK Plant Sciences Federation. We also hope to integrate more closely with the wider plant sciences community 


Lowering entry barriers

Monogram aims to provide a link to help lower the entry barriers for new researchers in the area.

MonoGram Early Career Excellence Awards

These awards seek to recognise outstanding young scientists and researchers in the field of small grain cereal and grass research in the UK. MECEA awards consider research contributions in basic and applied disciplines, as well as contributions of excellence to scientific outreach and promotion activities.

Our steering group

The Monogram network Steering Group comprises a number of community representatives. It is elected and also includes a couple of co-opted members to ensure the steering group reflects the range of grasses and cereal research in the UK. The role of the Steering Group is to co-ordinate activities across the Network.





Current committee members:

  • Stéphanie Swarbreck (Chair)
  • Elizabete Carmo-Silva
  • Carmen Escudero-Martinez
  • Rachel Goddard
  • Surbhi Grewal
  • Joshua Ham
  • Carus John-Bejai
  • Christophe Lambing  
  • Paul Nicholson
  • Miriam Schreiber
  • Aiswarya Girija
  • Jake Bishop

get in contact

Want to know more? Want to contribute? Get in touch