Introduction to monogram
The Monogram Network consists of UK based researchers with an active interest in small grain cereal and grass (including the C4 energy grasses) research.

about us
The Monogram Network consists of UK based researchers with an active interest in small grain cereal and grass (including the C4 energy grasses) research. Commercial scientists and plant breeders are active members and provide the link between Monogram science and commercial exploitation. Monogram includes both basic and more applied research and its members span disciplines including plant genetics, physiology, pathology, breeding, and bioinformatics. We also have extensive expertise in outreach activities and links with industry.
We have a list of resources available for multiple different species and purposes
Our Latest News

From Seed to Starch: Unravelling Mysteries for Sustainable Agriculture and Industry.
Growing up in a farming family in a small village in India, I witnessed the challenges farmers face in achieving successful crop yields and preserving

My adventures with Aegilops tauschii to understand starch granule formation
Growing up in Norfolk, I’ve always been exposed to plants; you can’t drive very far without seeing fields of wheat, barley and sugar beet growing.

Solving the living puzzle: Homoeolog interaction in polyploid genomes
Many economically important crops, such as wheat, cotton and coffee are allopolyploids, i.e., they originated from hybridisation of two or more species followed/preceded by whole